My Opinion


Explanation of Users

Taking the Site Apart

Examining Ratings

Branching Out A Bit

Works Cited


Unanswerable Questions:



My Opinion:

I believe that the ratings are credible because the students posting the comments experienced the teacher and class first hand. Of course there could be some speculation if the poster did in fact actually take the class but overall I think that most college students are just using the site to help others out, not deceive them. In my research I did not find a lot of information on sock pupating, but I won’t deny the possibility of it’s existence. Do I think it occurs a lot? My answer is no. I think that the site could have many different affects on a professor’s career. If they receive a lot of bad reviews, naturally it could affect their enrollment and visa versa. Once again, I don’t doubt that some reviews may just be some college students’ idea of a joke, but I personally don’t think that occurs too often. I feel that the rating system is very fair. It is actually kind of similar to the surveys that students are given at school at the end of the semester. Only with the site, student’s can read each others’ answers.