RU Hypertext? Collaborative Project

You're broken into four collaborative groups at this point in the term. Your assignment is to build an "online journal of academic writing" and put each collaborator's second 201/301 paper into the journal. You will be evaluated on both the collaborative design elements and each essay's effort to design the essay "for the web." Take important lessons from the first hypertext project please.

1> You need an index.html page for the journal itself. This can be the intro page or an intro page together with a table of contents (I leave it to your group to decide).

2> You need a way into each essay in the journal (i.e. a table of contents of some sort).

3> You need a brief bio of each contributor to the journal, as well as a brief abstract of each contribution. You figure out how to design these elements and where to put them.

4> You need email to each contributor on the part of the site where the contributor's essay appears (and anywhere else you think it's appropriate.

5> You must use a Template and CSS for every element of the site (except the index.html and table of contents page). These elements will aid in design continuity.

6> Your template must have "top level" navigation (nav through the journal itself), but should not have the navigation within each contribution. What does this mean? Each essay will have two kinds of navigation, the journal nav and the essay nav itself. The former should be specified in the template, while the latter should not be.

7> Make sure the contributions are designed and written "for the web." - chunking, images, links (external, internal, nav, in text, etc.)

As with hypertext essay 1, you will be evaluated on the four categories: design, functionality, text/hypertext, and required elements.