Three informants were recruited from both a second semester first year composition course (English 1023) and from the wider TWU participant community. The flyer describing the project (see Appendix B) was emailed to a group of former participants who had taken an Advanced Grammar and Composition course (English 3203) from the consultant. From this group one participant responded that she would be very excited to participate. The three informants had each taken a composition course from me.

Working with students who had taken courses from me gave me the advantage of already being somewhat familiar with their writing produced via keyboard and pen and paper. However, none of the informants’ written work from these courses was used for the purpose of comparing it with their C-MOC responses. Though the flyer announcing the inquiry was distributed to two groups of students, the unique demographics of Texas Woman’s University (a university comprised overwhelmingly of female students) made it highly likely that I would end up with all female participants. Therefore, all three of the informants for the inquiry were female students.
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