Video gallery
All PowerPoint files available here have been saved as .pps files: PowerPoint Show files. They have been produced using the Windows version of PowerPoint, and while they will run in the Mac version of PowerPoint, they are more likely to run as originally produced when using the Windows-based version of the software, PowerPoint Professional 2003. One of the limitations of PowerPoint shows like these is that the processor speed of the computer used to view the show may be significantly different than the processor speed of the computer used to create the show, resulting in music videos in which the timing is off. Similarly, not all fonts or screen displays will work on all computers. Students would have more technical control over projects like these if composed in an animation program like Flash, as Michael Carlson Kapper suggests in his thorough analysis of the literacies engaged by PowerPoint, but the learning curve for Flash is much steeper and institutionally, NDSU does not have resources to support 200 Flash projects in one semester.
To the best of our knowledge, all music and images used in these projects comply with US Copyright Law and Fair Use Guidelines. If a copyright holder feels his or her rights are being infringed upon by one of these educational, not-for-profit projects, please contact Kevin Brooks to discuss your concerns.
Directions for downloading and viewing:
1. Click the project title name (the active links below).
2. Download the .pps file to your computer.
3. Open the file directly (double click), or open PowerPoint then the
4. Choose "View Show" from the PowerPoint menu; some files may
be slow to load.
5. You may view the show to the end, or activate the "end show"
option to stop the video at any point.
Table 2: Video Gallery
Artist and Title | Genre and Style | Description |
Kellie Aldrich, The Human Spirit | Inspirational concept video; background enhancement. | Each slide celebrates visually and textually the human spirit for motivation, exploration, courage, etc., set to Bach. |
Wyatt Brossart, Adversity and Hope | Concept video; associative application | Three clips showing adversity (poverty, 9/11, Katrina), two clips showing hope and community, each section with its own musical clip. |
Chris Ellefson, A Musical Presentation | Traditional video / medley; literal illustrations. | Five sections, four contemporary musical artists, no specific theme or connections. |
Krista Gullickson, Free Falling | My life or trip; background enhancement. | A slide show of a family sky-diving trip set to a loop of Tom Petty's "Free Falling" chorus. |
Amanda Houkom, You're My Little Girl | Traditional video; literal illustrations. | The video closely illustrates a song about loss, pain, and love that has a strong family connection. |
Brooke Jameson, Fire | Inspirational concept video; from literal to associative. | A video that progresses from illustrating lyrical questions about what listeners can do with their lives to offering inspirational messages. |
Kyle Johnson, Garth Brooks Mixture | Traditional video / medley; literal illustrations. | Uses clip art to illustrate three of Brooks' songs, "The Thunder Rolls," "Two Pina Coladas," and "The River." |
Nathan Kroh, American Idiot | My life; mixed methods. | A humorous video intended to answer the question, am I an American Idiot? set to five spliced songs. |
Stephanie Midgarden, Eating Disorders | Concept video; associative applications. | Images and slogans related to body images, eating disorders, and self-esteem set to Christina Aguilera clips. |
Beky Morgan, Prerogative to Have a Little Fun | Trip video; associative applications. | A slideshow of a trip to France illustrated with pop songs like "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Feel Like a Woman." |
Erich Wilkerson, History of the World | Concept video; background enhancements. | A visual history of the world, with an emphasis on the formation of the earth and 20th century history set to clips of classical music. |
Destinee Zamzow, Costa Rica | Trip video; background enhancements. | A slideshow of a school trip to Costa Rica, set to four Latin American influenced pop songs. |