Works Cited
Canagarajah, A. Suresh. “Negotiating Translingual Literacy: An Enactment. Research In the Teaching of English. 48.1 (2013): 40-67. Print.
Fraiberg, Steven. “Composition 2.0: Toward a Multilingual and Multimodal Framework. College Composition and Communication. 62.1 (2010): 100-126. Print.
Hall, Jonathan. “Multilingual is the Mainstream.” Reworking English in Rhetoric and Composition –Global Interrogations, Local Interventions. Ed. Bruce Horner and Karen Kopelson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press, 2014. 31-48. Print.
Harklau, Linda, Meryl Siegal, and Kay M. Losey. “Linguistically Diverse Students and College Writing: What is Equitable and Appropriate.” Generation 1.5 Meets College Composition: Issues in the Teaching of Writing to U.S.-Educated Learners of ESL. Ed. Linda Harlau, Kay M. Losey, and Meryl Siegal. Mahwah: NJ: Erlbaum, 1999. 1-14.
Horner, Bruce, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur. “Opinion: Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach.” College English. 73.3 (2011): 303-321. Print.
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Lee, Melissa. “Shifting to the World Englishes Paradigm by Way of the Translingual Approach: Code-meshing as a Necessary Means of Transforming Composition Pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly. 5.2 (2014): 312-329. Print.
Lu, Min-Zhan, and Bruce Horner. “Translingual Literacy, Language, Difference, and Matters of Agency. College English. 75.6 (2013): 582-607.
Michael-Luna, Sarah, and Suresh Canagarajah. “Multimodal Academic Literacies: Pedagogical Foundations for Code Meshing in Primary and Higher Education.” Journal of Applied Linguistics. 4.1 (2007). Print.
“Open Doors 2014: International Students in the United States and Study Abroad by American Students are at All-time High.” Open Doors. 2014. Web. 8 Jan. 2015.
Shin, Dongshin and Tony Cimasko. “Multimodal Compositions in a College ESL Class: New Tools, Traditional Norms.” Computers and Compositions. 25 (2008): 376- 395. Print.
Takayoshi, Pamela and Cynthia Selfe. “Thinking about Multimodality.” Multimodal Composition Resources for Teachers. Ed. Cynthia Selfe. Cresskill: Hampton Press, 2007. 1-12. Print.