
Chris Crawford

Jane Jensen

Jesper Juul

Benoît Sokal

Benoît Sokal


1.  What, if any, connections do you see between learning and computer/video game playingBenoit Sokal?

Potentially, a lot... But today, almost none! As far as I know, and only through my own experience, the "edutainment" titles are usually carrying a kind of false promise which is "learn and play." Most children will like "playing" them because it is "new" and "on the computer." But the learning dimension will be quite secondary. And once the same children discover the "real" video games, they don't go back to the edutainment titles anymore...

There is certainly new kind of software / applications that are still to be invented in order to allow children to learn via a computer. But in my mind, playing and learning are two separate things, and I am not sure that learning should necessarily be "fun" (I am a bit "old school" on this subject I guess).

2.  What connection, if any, do you see between computer games and the teaching of writing at either the high school or college level?

A lot. For me, a video game -- at least those that I am doing -- are telling stories, as much as a novel or a movie. This means that the "heart" of the game is a story, that has to be written. I am sure that young people that are not so much interested in books/novels/movies will find very exciting to "write" a story for a video game. Excellent! As long as the story's good, it can be for any media.

3.  What do you suppose might be an interesting computer game for the teaching of writing (either currently out or not yet imagined)?

Any game that "tells a story," going from "Mario" adventures to the kind of games I am doing. That makes a lot of games :)