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Alexander, J. (1997). Out of the closet and into the network: Sexual orientation and the computerized classroom. Computers and composition, 14(2), 207-216.

Anderson, J. D. (April 1997). Supporting the invisible minority. Educational Leadership, 54(7), 65-68.  

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Jameson, F. (1993). Excerpts from Postmodernism, Or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism . In J. Natoli & L. Hutcheon (Eds.), A postmodern reader (pp. 312-332). Albany: SUNY Press.

Jones, S. G. (1995). Understanding community in the information age. In S. G. Jones (Ed.), Cybersociety: Computer-mediated communication and community (pp. 10-35). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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Macgillivray, I. K. (May 2000). Educational equity for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer/questioning students: The demands of democracy and social justice for America's schools. Education and Urban Society, 32(3), 303-323.

Malinowitz, H. (1992). Construing and constructing knowledge as a lesbian or gay student writer. PRE/TEXT, 13(3-4), 37-52.

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