
Chris Rose, Educator

Students need to be active consumers, not passive vessels. 



AUthor Information

Devon Christopher Adams is an English technologist in Arizona whose interests include 21st Century Literacies, Mobile Pedagogy and Instructional Technologies. He can be reached via email or Twitter.


Diagrams & Illustrations- All diagrams and illustrations not cited here were created by me.

P20- The perspective of supporting students through educational services from pre-kindergarten through the completion of a bachelor's degree.

Read Write Web- The use of this term examines the most recent iteration of the bidiretional Internet where the consumer and producer are now one in the same. Students can now publish and create their own information as quickly as they can consume other's information.

Consume Produce graphical representation





Video actors- The students in the videos are dual enrollment high school students. Written permission from responsible parties is on file.

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