Having the Right Stuff Is Only the Beginning: Technological and Institutionaal Challenges at the United States Military Academy


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Background images on index.html, 01_introduction.html, 02_jeff_background.html, 04_disciplinary_context.html, 05_institutional_context.html, 06_jeff_findings.html, 08_conclusions.html, and 09_references.html by Major Paul Johnston.

Background image on 03_mike_background.html by Randee Farrell.


Background image on 07_mike_findings.html by Lauralea Edwards.

Image of cadets working in hallway on 02_jeff_background.html by Major Paul Johnston.

Images of cadets working in the Advanced Classroom Technology Laboratory on 05_institutional_context.html and 07_mike_findings.html by Mike Edwards.

Image of cadet desk in the barracks on 04_disciplinary_context.html by Cadet Samuel Brent.

Image of cadet working at his desk in the barracks on 06_jeff_findings.html by Cadet Benjamin Miller.

Image of cadet desk in the barracks on 09_conclusions.html by Cadet David Capofari.

Webtext design by Mike Edwards.