Teaching Moms and Dads to Perform the Family: Rhetoric and Assisted Reproductive Technology Websites

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Visual Images of Interface

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ART Company Websites Analyzed

Links and citations for ART company websites used in this study. All websites accessed between September and December 2008.

Sperm Donation Company Websites

California Cryobank, Incorporated. < http://www.cryobank.com/>.

Midwest Sperm Bank. < http://www.midwestspermbank.com/msb.htm>.

Cryogenic Laboratories Incorporated. < http://www.cryolab.com/Default.aspx>.

Fairfax Cryobank. < http://www.fairfaxcryobank.com/>.

Fertility Center of California. < http://www.spermbankcalifornia.com/>.

Sperm Bank of California. <http://www.thespermbankofca.org/>.

Sperm Donors Incorporated. < http://www.spermdonorsinc.com/>.

Xytex Corporation. <http://www.xytex.com>.

Egg Donation Company Websites

Egg Donation Incorporated. <http://www.eggdonor.com>.

Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine. <http://www.colocrm.com/>.

Family Creations. < http://www.familycreations.net>.

Heartfelt Egg Donation. < http://www.heartfelteggdonation.com/index.html>.

Pacific Fertility Center. < http://www.pacificfertilitycenter.com/>.

Tiny Treasures. < http://www.tinytreasuresagency.com/>.

Surrogacy Company Websites

Building Families. < http://www.buildingfamiliesinc.com/>.

The Gift of Surrogacy. < http://www.thegiftofsurrogacy.com/>.

Egg Donation and Surrogacy Company Websites

Center for Reproductive Health. <http://www.reproductivehealthctr.com/mainhome.htm>.

Conceptual Options. < http://www.surrogacy-eggdonation.com/>.

Family Source Consultants. < http://www.familysourcesurrogacy.com/>.

New Hope Surrogacy Center. < http://www.newhopesurrogacy.com/>.

Northeast Assisted Fertility Group. < http://www.assistedfertility.com/index.shtml>.

Reproductive Assistance Incorporated. < http://www.reproassistinc.com/>.

Surrogate Parenting Center of Texas. < http://www.spct.org/>.

The Egg Donor and Surrogacy Program. < http://www.eggdonation.com/>.

The Fertility Source. < http://www.fertilitysourcecompanies.com/>.

The Select Surrogate. < http://www.selectsurrogate.com/>.

Egg Donation and Sperm Donation Company Website

Northwest Andrology and Cryobank. < http://www.nwcryobank.com/>

Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, and Surrogacy Company Website

Growing Generations. < http://www.growinggenerations.com/>

Fair Use Statement

The inclusion of images and text from the websites listed above constitutes fair use. "Teaching Moms and Dads" is a critical piece meant for educational purposes.  The piece does not extract a significant amount of content from the websites and will not directly profit the authors or the publishers of the sites or the journal where this piece is published.