Introduction      Updating an Old Standard     The Body as Performative Mode     Performing the Cuss      Conclusion      Appendix A      Works Cited

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Appendix A

My original assignment from 2009 read as follows:

Exploratory multimodal project (15%) about any aspect of writing instruction, and a one page, single-spaced rationale in which you describe your purpose, goals, problems, and successes. Comment, too, on how this project affected your thinking about composing. One goal of this assignment is to encourage play and creativity; as such, I do not expect a polished product. I expect a good faith effort to stretch your understanding of composing by experimenting with visual and/or digital tools. Possible forms this assignment might take include a short video, a sound piece or oral essay, a blog or wiki, a photo project delivered via PowerPoint, and so forth. We’ll visit the Student Resources and Technology Center in Langsam where we’ll get an overview of available equipment and software and how to use it. This assignment is due the last day of class, during which we’ll showcase our work.

Since then, I have expanded “multimodal” to include modes other than digital ones, in line with Shipka’s view (2009).

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Introduction      Updating an Old Standard     The Body as Performative Mode     Performing the Cuss      Conclusion      Appendix A      Works Cited