
Video Potential

December 5th, 2009  •  Posted by English 579: Computers & Writing  • 

Working with iMovie

Students can create movies collaboratively using iMovie. Students can team up to use a digital camcorder to create a commercial or a video presentation and import their video into iMovie for editing before presenting it to the class. For information on iMovie, use the following link:


In addition to iMovie, Apple iLife has many other web tools that can be used for collaboration. To learn more about the use of Apple's iLife tools in Education use the following link:

Apple and Education

PC Options

If you are not using a Mac and need resources concerning PC-related applications and software for creating movies, there are several tools available. Many computers come with Windows Movie Maker, which is a program that allows you to create your own movies. For further information on Movie Maker, please explore the following link:

Movie Maker

Another program for PC users that is more versatile than Movie Maker but requires you to purchase it is Corel Video Studio. For more information on Video studio, feel free to explore the following link and video:

Video Studio

For an example of a movie created by students, click on the following link:

Example Video