Chapter 1: Crowdsourcing
- Talk to your community and stakeholders. It's really easy to let enthusiasm about a community outreach project make you leap before you look. We're sure your project is great, but make sure to take time to really talk with and listen to stakeholders including community partners receiving or helping to administer services, interested faculty and students in your department and across campus, and those involved in similar community engagement projects near you.
- Educate yourself on the community, its needs, and possible interventions. This information can come from any number of sources including community engagement scholarship, data collected by local nonprofits and organizations, surveys and interviews of area service providers, and talks with community members you want to work with and for. The presentation below was created by Jen England and fellow NMSU graduate student Karen Trujillo while studying the needs of the Las Cruces, NM, community to identify key approaches in establishing engagement with and funding for Girlhood Remixed, including crowdsourcing opportunities.