Question #7: Do you feel your Writing Program adequately prepared/trained you to assess multimodal assignments?

Chart 7


 53% of respondents said that the Writing Program did not adequately prepare or train them to assess multimodal projects. 23% of respondents said they were “not sure” if the Writing Program adequately prepared or trained them to assess multimodal projects. Only 24% of respondents felt that the Writing Program adequately prepared or trained them to assess multimodal projects. After experiencing little training ourselves when our writing program added a visual literacy/multimodal component to the goals of our composition classes, we were not surprised to discover that 76% of respondents could not confidently assert that they had been well trained to assess multimodal projects. In fact, our initial hypothesis that we may find that a large percentage of other instructors had not been well trained on assessing multimodal projects became a motivation for us to begin research on this topic.

Survey Question Results:

#1  #2  #3  #4  #5  #6

Significance of Survey Results

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