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About the Project

This project is a companion to a review essay published simultaneously in a print issue of Computers and Composition. Like the print version, one goal of this project is to review three recently released webtext publications from Computers and Composition Digital Press:

However, another goal of this digital version is to explore the possibilities a webtext review offers for reviewing webtext scholarship in its own born-digital environment. How can a webtext review respond to webtext scholarship in a way that a print review cannot? If, as Ball (2004) argues, a webtext's design plays a key role in performing its argument, how might a born-digital review draw critical attention to this design in its own native digital territory? Entrusting a more linear argument to the print form of the essay, this experimental project explores one approach (critical visual arrangement) for reviewing scholarship that both embraces and exceeds traditionally alphabetic modes of knowledge creation.

To navigate this project, choose one of the objects in the navigation bar at the lower left. Each review page features key images, video, and quotes sampled from the focal webtext and arranged according to an organizing metaphor that plays a significant theoretical role in the respective project. Clicking the project title will take the reader directly to the reviewed webtext; clicking on an element will enlarge the quote/image or play the video; and clicking the word for the organizing metaphor will bring up a discussion of the critical review work underlying the organization of each review page. Each page includes a link to a descriptive transcript giving a verbal overview of every section. This webtext is best viewed in Chrome on laptops/desktops.




link to information about the project

About the Project

link to information about the project design

Design Metaphor

link to reconstructing the archive review

Provocations: Reconstructing the Archive

link to techne review

Techne: Queer Meditations on Writing the Self

link to sustainable learning spaces review

Sustainable Learning Spaces: Design, Infrastructure, and Technology

link to sources
