link to information about the project link to information about the project design link to reconstructing the archive review link to techne review link to sustainable learning spaces review link to sources home link to descriptive transcript descriptive transcript

Descriptive Transcript


The home page features an illustrated black-billed magpie sitting on a nest amidst a collection of objects: a red bead, scissors, a leaf dipped in paint, a pencil, a patch of cloth, and a coiled spring. Above the magpie and the nest is the title "'The Magpie's Nest: A Webtext Review of Webtext Scholarship by Erin Kathleen Bahl.'" Below the nest is an invitation to "choose an object to begin...", with a link underneath to the descriptive transcript. Clicking on one of the objects will lead to a section within the project; the red bead, which leads to the "About" page, is recommended as a starting place for readers wishing to navigate through the project in a linear fashion.

About the Project

The "About the Project" is organized into two main boxes, along with a navigation bar in the lower left corner (which is present on every page of the project except for the home page). The text box on the left provides background information to contextualize the project; the box on the right identifies the destination of each image on the navigation bar:

Design Metaphor

A text box exploring the implications of the magpie as an organizing metaphor for the webtext's design is juxtaposed over the image of three magpies in flight, each carrying an object (pencil, leaf, scissors) representing one of the reviewed webtexts on the navigation bar in the lower left corner.

Provocations: Reconstructing the Archive

The page is organized according to the illustrated image of a scrapbook on a desk or table; four pages of the scrapbook are visible, along with several crafting materials (including the scissors which represents the page on the navigation bar). Each page contains an image and a video sampled from the four focal essays in the webtext collection. Clicking on an element will enlarge an image or play a video; next to each video is a transcript verbally describing its audio and video components. Clicking on a title (each appearing in a different handwriting-like font) will open the focal essay in another tab. A new option has appeared on the navigation bar, the word "Scrapbook"; clicking on this word will pull up a text box reflecting on the design's critical implications for reviewing the webtext. The overall color scheme across images and illustrations alike includes shades of teal, brown, gray, and gold. At the far right is a partial shadow of a magpie in flight, wing slightly overlapping the corner of two scrapbook pages.

Techne: Queer Meditations on Writing the Self

The page is organized according to the illustrated image of a brick wall covered with strands of ivy; the elements of the reviewed webtext (videos, quotes, and section titles) are arranged like graffiti over the wall. The wall's color scheme of brick red and bright green leaves (like the leaf serving as the navigational stand-in) clashes with the graffiti elements' black, white, and purple color scheme (the primary colors used throughout the focal webtext). Resisting the orientations of the neatly linear brick rectangles, all of the video clips, titles, and quote blocks cross one or more of the underlying lines. Clicking on an element will enlarge a quote or play a video; next to each video is a transcript verbally describing its audio and video components. Clicking on a title (each appearing in a different graffiti-like font) will open the respective section in another tab. The word "Graffiti" appears on the navigation bar; clicking on this word will pull up a text box reflecting on the design's critical implications for reviewing the webtext. On the lower right are two clawprints like bird feet in purple paint.

Sustainable Learning Spaces: Design, Technology, and Infrastructure

The page is organized according to the illustrated image of an architect's desk covered with a stack of rolled-up documents evoking blueprints, with a piece of blank grid paper in the middle. Clicking on one of the documents will pull up an image featuring a quote from one of the collection's ten essays with a "takeaway" for suggested practices on developing a sustainable learning space. Other objects include a right-angle triangle, a pencil (identical to the navigation symbol), a terra cotta pot with a small bright green plant, and three yellow notepads. Clicking on a notepad will lead open the respective section of the focal webtext in another tab. The word "Blueprint" appears on the navigation bar; clicking on this word will pull up a text box reflecting on the design's critical implications for reviewing the webtext. At the left are three black feathers floating down to the desk.


There are no illustrated elements on this page, apart from the navigation bar at the lower left.