Keeping Track of DMAC

Visualizing Influence Across Space and Time

Trey Conatser


participating institutions by student population and number of pariticpants

The following map plots data points for 117 home institutions and may take a minute to load. The circle size corresponds to a home institution's student population, and the circle color corresponds to the number of participants that a home institution has sent to DMAC (see the color key). Hover over data points for more information (dense clusters reveal a magnified view). No relationship between the size of institution and the number of participants sent to DMAC reveals itself; DMAC, then, must account for the broadest range of institutional contexts with respect to the implementation of pedagogical and scholarly paradigms developed in the specific context of two institutions: The Ohio State University and Michigan Tech University (where DMAC's predecessor Institute, CIWIC, was held). Indeed, the taking DMAC home discussion, typically held during one of the final days of the Institute, remains the most in-development aspect of its curriculum.

circle size: student population | circle color: number of participants

Click here to download a static image of this map

The Ohio State University (67 participants, 55014 population) has been excluded from this data set to avoid an unbalanced scale. The American University of Cairo (1 participant, 6824 population) has also been excluded because the map features only one region: in this case, the United States. One participant is not included due to a lack of institutional affiliation at the time of DMAC attendance.