Keeping Track of DMAC

Visualizing Influence Across Space and Time

Trey Conatser


The following map plots individually reported results of DMAC attendance from the 2014 survey sent to all DMAC alumni (icons), as well as projects developed as a result of DMAC attendance (blue circles), relevant excerpts from survey responses (black circles), and relevant excerpts from recorded interviews with 2014 DMAC participants (green circles). You can view a larger map with tags, and you can view medium or high resolution maps without tags. Lastly, you also can access the video and audio interviews (with transcripts) beyond the map interface. The majority of survey responses came from alumni whose home institutions (at the time of DMAC attendance) fall within a tight regional network stretching from southern Michigan to northern Kentucky. Because reported results of DMAC attendance indicate not only the Institute's influence but also what alumni felt able to pursue at their home instituions, the map may also suggest institutional climates with respect to the uses of digital media and to the roles of technology-driven professional development.